FPK Participated in the BUMN Goes to Campus UINSA Event

Ahmad Yani, Surabaya—(08/09/2023) Always providing participation, the Faculty of Psychology and Health, Sunan Ampel State Islamic University Surabaya (FPK UINSA) was involved in the big event “BUMN Goes to Campus UINSA” on the Ahmad Yani Campus.
The event, which took place from 08.00 to 16.00, aims to provide information about career paths, internship opportunities and scholarships offered by State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN). Apart from that, BUMN also took advantage of this opportunity to introduce themselves through the various booths they presented at the event location.
FPK—which is an integral part of UINSA—also enlivened this event with the presence of two superior study programs, namely Psychology and Nutrition. All faculties and study programs at UINSA also took part in this event, making it a very valuable forum for interaction and knowledge for students.
The service provided by the Psychology Study Program is a free psychological check-up service, helping them understand themselves and overcome various psychological challenges.
Meanwhile, the Nutrition Study Program provides services in the form of health check-ups, such as free blood checks and calculating body mass index by measuring height, weight and arm circumference with the aim of finding out a person’s ideal body. This attracted enthusiasm from the participants present.
The “BUMN Goes to Campus UINSA” event is a real form of cooperation between universities and the industrial world, opening up career opportunities and self-development for UINSA students. Through the various information and services provided, this event strengthens UINSA’s position as one of the leading educational institutions in Indonesia.
Writer: Muhamad Sangaji
Editor: Ayda Zaqiyatunnisa