Improving Student Scientific Publication Competence, FPK Presents Reviewers and Editors of National and International Journals

Gunung Anyar, Surabaya — (02/10/2023) Like a fire that continues to burn, increasing accreditation has recently become the hot ambition of the Faculty of Psychology and Health (FPK). Competency enrichment entitled “Increasing Student Publication Capacity” was also held in the FPK auditorium on Monday, October 2 2023.
Deputy Dean I FPK, Dr. Suryani, S.Ag, S.Psi, M.Si clearly stated that, “In semester 7 it is mandatory to publish a thesis.” This high hope was supported by the collaboration of two professional speakers to provide tips and tricks in compiling a quality manuscript.
Suhadianto, S.Psi, M.Psi, a psychologist, one of whom, the PERSONA Journal Manager, strongly advises students to recognize the surrounding style of the target journal, including: font, structure, tables, presentation of statistical results, as well as the number of references and year of publication. “As much as possible, get to know the journal you are targeting, each journal has different policies and rules.” he said.
Taking issues that have an impact on the international stage is important in selecting topics. Taking the example of an FPK student assignment that had been published, the man wearing the green batik also carried out a review to study together.
Interactive and humorous, that is the style that Muh Barid Nizarudin Wajid brings to explain IMRAD neatly in a text. The thesis which initially numbered hundreds of sheets was converted into 10-15 sheets. In this case, the ability to shorten the researcher’s writing is an important factor. The second speaker then explained the general aspects of writing in detail, before the approximately three hour long event closed at 11.55 pm.
Writer: Ayda Zaqiyatunnisa
Editor: Muhamad Sangaji