Ensure FPK Meets Educational Standards, Exposed Internal Quality Audits are Carried Out

Gunung Anyar, Surabaya — (18/10/2023) Considered as an effort to diagnose the condition of the Faculty of Psychology and Health, Sunan Ampel State Islamic University, Surabaya (FPK UINSA), Dr. Phil. Khoirun Niam said that Internal Quality Audit (AMI) is similar to a body X-ray which is used to find the root cause of a problem in an illness.
AMI’s activities are very important to ensure that higher education institutions maintain the quality of education and meet the established standards. Therefore, the AMI FPK exposure activity was carried out on October 18 2023 at the FPK building, at 08.30 WIB.
From outside parties, this AMI exposure activity was attended by Holilah, S.Ag., M.Si. as Head of the Center for Quality Assurance, and Dr. Abid Rohman, M.Fil.I and Faris Mushlihul Amin, M.Kom as the Auditor Team. Not to forget, the UPPS Faculty team, the Dean and his staff, Head of Study Program, Secretary of Study Program, Head of Laboratory, Head of TU Section, and GKM also participated in this activity.
During the procession, the Head of the Center for Quality Assurance said that AMI Week alone was considered insufficient, so in 2023 the activity was changed to AMI Month. This shows more intensive efforts to ensure the fulfillment of the tri dharma standards of higher education based on the Internal Quality Assurance Standards (SPMI) of UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya.
Hopefully this activity will provide useful results for the improvement and development of the Faculty of Psychology and Health.
The Auditor Team then presented the AMI report where there were several findings in the process, especially related to the implementation of integrated twin towers in learning in the Psychology and Nutrition Study Program which did not meet standards.
Recommendations for improvement and steps to be taken to further improve quality are also very important. In this context, follow-up plans will be prepared together in future AMI exit strategy activities.
Writer: Ayda Zaqiyatunnisa