Upcoming Event: The Path to Decoloniality and Manuscripts Museum
The Faculty of Adab and Humanities at UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya is pleased to announce an upcoming event that we hope you can join us for. On Friday, 28 April 2023, from 13.00 to 15.00 WIB, we will be hosting a Zoom meeting featuring Yus Sa’diyah-Broersma from the Bronbeek Museum in the Netherlands.

The event will focus on “The Path to Decoloniality and Manuscripts Museum,” and we believe that it will be a valuable opportunity to engage with important ideas and perspectives related to the topic. We encourage all members of our academic community to attend and participate in the discussion.
To join the meeting, please use the following Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85895513845?pwd=WW5TUEpsVUdHZ3grVEVWM3dHa1BZQT09. The meeting ID is 858 9551 3845, and the passcode is 541090.