
The year 2023, became a historic year for the UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya Information Systems study program. Because thanks to the collaboration between Kumamoto University and UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya (UINSA), UINSA Information Systems is able to send one of its students to conduct a student exchange program for 6 months or 1 semester in Japan.

Dwi Rolliawati S.T, M.T as the Head of Study Program explained that this cooperation program is still at the student exchange stage only. “The new cooperation is only at the student exchange stage. The plan can be for all aspects of Tridarma (Higher Education, ed)” – she concluded.

Dwi Rolliawati also mentioned that the selection process for student exchange participants was carried out for students from various well-known universities throughout Indonesia with a limited quota.

Tiara Melati Putri Wiryawanto, a student who received the scholarship program, shared her reasons for taking the program. “I want to absorb the knowledge that I will get abroad (Japan, red) to become an innovative idea for my final project when I return”. Said the student from Sidoarjo.

Tiara expressed her hope to be able to implement her knowledge in Indonesia while adding relationships and experience.

The hope was also conveyed by Dwi Rolliawati that in the future UINSA Information Systems would not only send one student. “Hopefully there will be an increase in quota so that not only (send, red) 1 person” – she said.
