
Surabaya – The Mathematics Study Program of Sunan Ampel Surabaya State Islamic University (UINSA) took an active part in Seminter (Seminar and Meeting) and the Coordination Meeting of the Management of the Association of Mathematics Study Programs / Departments and Education / Mathematics Cadre of Islamic Religious Universities (APSMAPETA) held at Campus 3 UIN Salatiga, on October 9-11, 2023.

The event, which was attended by various Mathematics study programs from PTKI throughout Indonesia, featured various important agendas. First, the ADMAPETA Meeting in the main meeting room of Ahmad Dahlan Building discussed the renewal of the AD/ART of APSMAPETA PTKI, which will be the foundation for the movement of this organization in the coming period.

Next, an International Seminar was held with the theme “Technology Integration in Innovative and Fun Mathematics Learning for Gen-Z.” This seminar became a platform to share ideas and innovations in interesting and innovative mathematics learning, filled by international experts Johann Alfred Hofer from SES Germany and Dr. Farida Nurhasanah, a Mathematics lecturer from Sebelas Maret University.

Not only that, the MBKM (Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka) implementation workshop at PTKI is also an important agenda. This workshop aims to prepare MBKM curriculum recommendations that will support more flexible and adaptive learning in accordance with the times.

Finally, the election of the management, the preparation of the ADMAPETA management work program for the 2024-2026 period, and the handover of positions are also the main focus in order to ensure the continuity of quality leadership in carrying out the vision and mission of APSMAPETA PTKI. It is hoped that the results of discussions and cooperation at this event will bring positive changes in the world of mathematics education and help produce generations who excel in mathematics in the future.
