
In this Ramadan 1444 h, PAI magister students of UIN Sunan Ampel held a Ramadan program entitle “Ramadan Spirit; share and humanity.

This program was held in the Tower KH Mahrus Aly meeting room 3rd floor KAMPUS 1 UINSA and started at 15.50 until completion. Activities include:
1. Salawat and donation for orphans with Prof. Dr. Abdurrahman Assegaf, M. Ag. (chairman of UINSA’s PAI magister program)
2. Sharing Takjil in front of the Campus (Distributing Takjil to riders and drivers)
3. Iftar together and praying in congregation (RAMAH TAMAH SHARING SEASON )

In this program, PASCA PAI 22 ‘UINSA students opened open donations and sponsorships to make this event a success, the enthusiasm was very good ranging from lecturers, students across generations to parents of students supporting each other for make this event succesful. This program invented 10 orphans and Ibu nyai from Nur Rahma foundation who prayed and prayed together then some children shared 300 free takjil. This event was attended by the head of the magister of Islamic education study program, Prof. Dr. Abdurrahman Assegaf, M. Ag.

The event was held to strengthen kinship and increase the social spirit of others in order to always get the BERKAH RAMADHAN.
The hope is that this activity can be a positive example and can continue to be an annual activity in order to strengthen the family ties in the next generation.
