In order to strengthen the performance as the final product of the Performance course in June, the Indonesian Literature Study Program at UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya held a script review webinar with the title “Ngobral, Ngobrol Bareng Alumni”. Inviting two group directors to dissect the script, presenting alumni speakers themselves, namely Audita Ressa Affanda, who has been in the theater world for a long time to provide the right seasoning in the script. Having served as public relations in the Sabda theater UKM, Faculty of Adab and Humanities structurally provides kitchen recipes about staging. It was opened by remarks from the head of the study program, Mr. Haris Shofiyuddin, M.FIl.I, who also provided support for the webinar because as he said, “This kind of activity needs to be developed because it is one of the mirrors of the Indonesian Literature study program.” The webinar, which was attended by Indonesian Literature students and external parties, was conducive and structured.

Apart from Audita Ressa Affanda, there are two Indonesian Literature Study Program students who are assigned to be directors on the planned performance agenda. For information, the Indonesian Literature Study Program at UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya has a Performance course which has a final project agenda in the form of performance activities. This activity is filled with various performances performed by students who take the course. The two directors who on this occasion became the speakers for the script review were Nurunnisa’ Itsnaini and Nur Iqnatul Nadia.

Nurunnisa’ Itsnaini delivered her response about the drama script that will be performed, which is a form of translation of a short story entitled “Pemintal Kegelapan” by Intan Paramadhita. This script is a form of translation by Muhammad Nizar Rahmanto, a student of UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya. Meanwhile, Nur Iqnatul Nadia also delivered her reading of the script “Opera Jaran Goyang” written by Muhammad Nizar Rahmanto.

Tips and tricks to make the performance successful were not left behind to be offered by the alumni expressed at the end of the webinar. He revealed with enthusiasm that reading the script correctly, exporting expressions, and practicing a lot. The end of the webinar was closed with a light conversation about theater and giving the impression of a message from the speaker (Risalah).