Wednesday, October 11, 2023, UINSA’s Study of Religious Studies (SAA) Program held a Business Talk event with the theme “Muda Kaya Raya, Gak Bahaya Ta? Strategies, Motivation, and Tips for Success After College” This event invited Muhammad Yunus who is the CEO of PT Griya Kesadaran Yogi to fill the event activities. This event was attended by students and 7th semester students which started at 09.00 until 12.00 WIB and took place in the laboratory of the Faculty of Ushuluddin and Philosophy (FUF).
This event aims to provide motivation and debriefing to final semester students so that they do not feel confused after they graduate from college. In the event, Yunus who is also an alumnus of the SAA study program gave an explanation of several strategies to become a successful entrepreneur. First, as an entrepreneur must know net profit, or net profit earned so that an entrepreneur is more enthusiastic in running his business.
Second, knowing the COGS (cost of goods sold). This second strategy functions so that the seller can find out how much the cost of goods and how much the price of goods is, the goal is for entrepreneurs to make a profit.

Furthermore, according to Yunus, achieving money and wealth does not require intelligence, but by changing the wrong mindset. One example of a wrong mindset is that working or being a professional can bring in money. This mindset must be discarded if you want to become an entrepreneur. After discarding the wrong mindset, believe that, “I am rich, I am rich, I am rich,” Yunus explained.
Finally, the event was closed with a question and answer session from several student questions, one of which was, “Does building a business have to be with passion?” Yunus explained that the fatal mistake faced by young people today is looking for identity even though identity already exists in every human being, so, this is what inhibits young people from building a business.
He also explained that to build a business does not need to be in accordance with passion, but the most important thing is to know the net profit of his business so that he loves his business even though it is not in his passion. After the question and answer session was over, the event was then closed with a photo session with the speaker. (Nur Faizatul Izzah-Student of Religious Studies)