Attending International Seminars on Education in NTT, FPK Presents 4 Papers to be Published in International Journals

East Nusa Tenggara, (28/10/2023) – Increasingly active in intensifying publications, the Faculty of Psychology and Health (FPK) participated in the International Joint Seminars on Education, Social Science, and Applied Science in East Nusa Tenggara, specifically in Labuan Bajo, on October 28 and 29, 2023.
The participants who attended this international seminar were a research team of FPK lecturers, namely 2 people from psychology lecturers and 2 other people from health lecturers. Not only that, the number of participants who attended this event reached 112 presenters, both from universities in Indonesia and abroad.
Speakers from this International Seminar certainly present several great lecturers from various universities at home and abroad. They are; Prof. Dr. Phil. Ari Widodo, M. Ed. who is a lecturer from the Indonesian University of Education, then Prof. Roel Avila. Ph. D. is a lecturer from the Philippine National University, then Assist. Prof. Hasan Ozgur Kapici who came from Bogazici Univeristy, Turker, and the last one came from Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, namely Prof. Madya Dr. Nor Azwadi bin Che Sidik.
The struggle to be able to publish and present papers at international seminars is certainly not easy, there are many stages that must be passed. Starting from Abstract Submission in August, then Full Paper Submission in September, and finally the Presentation Video Collection in October. Later, the output of the conference script or article will be published in the National Accredited Journal or conference proceedings indexed by Scopus.
Writer: Najwa Laska Halqi
Editor: Ayda Zaqiyatunnisa