Collaboration with the West Manggarai Ministry of Religion Office is considered important, FPK UINSA Road to NTT

West Manggarai, NTT — Increasingly serious about pursuing business, the Center for Psychological Assessment and Services at Sunan Ampel State Islamic University Surabaya (PALP UINSA) visited the Office Hall of the Ministry of Religion, West Manggarai Regency, East Nusa Tenggara. To be precise, Monday, October 30 2023.
From 08.00 to 12.00 WITA., Plh. Kankemenag West Manggarai Regency, Juredi, S.Ag in his speech conveyed the importance of cooperation between the KEMENAG office of West Manggarai Regency and universities. The Faculty of Psychology and Health (FPK) UINSA is proud to be one of those who started this.
An apology was expressed because the Head of the Ministry of Religion could not attend this meeting due to interests in Jakarta.
However, this meeting still went smoothly, where Dr. Phil. Khoirun Niam stated that this faculty has 2 important things. The FPK Dean said that he has an assessment institution, namely PALP, which has collaborated with many institutions, both inside and outside East Java. Apart from that, FPK also has a nutrition study program (prodi) which has a center related to nutrition, halal products and stunting eradication.
“Hopefully what we are trying is beneficial for everyone, both the university itself and society because we cannot just be a beacon that is not grounded in society.” he said.
Writer: Ayda Zaqiyatunnisa
Editor: Muhamad Sangaji H