
@Perbandingan Madzhab

Friday, 24 June 2022

Religious Moderation in International Seminar Held by Perbandingan Madzhab of UIN Sunan Ampel in Collaboration with ADPMH Indonesia

The Comparative Madzhab Program of UINSA in collaboration with the Association of Comparative Madzhab and Law Lecturers throughout Indonesia successfully held an International Seminar entitled The Dynamics of Moderation on Religion and Schools in the Midst of Social Changes Post Covid-19 Pandemic which was followed by an association meeting to agree on several matters relating to the future of the association.

One of the many things that wanted to be agreed at the meeting, said Dr. Ayi Yunus Rusyana, M.Ag., as the chairman of the association was the matter of the Comparative Madzhab and Law nomenclature, where between one agency and another, both public and private, there are still differences, which in this meeting the hope will be uniformed or at least find another agreement.

Apart from these internal affairs, the chairman of ADPMH for the 2020-2024 period also stated that the three-day meeting from 21-23 June 2022 also discussed social issues that did not stop appearing one after another. Because it is the duty of graduates of the Comparative Madzhab Program to play a role in uncovering the tangled threads of the latest social issues.

The Dean of the Faculty of Sharia and Law, Prof. Dr. Masruhan, M.Ag, in his remarks, said that one of the profiles of graduates of the Comparative Madzhab program is that they are capable of responding to the challenges of religious moderation which, according to him, are endless, in contrast to religious texts which are limited edition.

The agenda of the association, which was held at the Greensa Hotel UIN Sunan Ampel, was an annual agenda, according to the Vice Rector of UIN Sunan Ampel, Dr. Muhid, M.Ag. the volume must be increased to a semi-annual or monthly agenda, so that the volume of solutions offered will also increase. In addition, the urgency of networking among fellow lecturers to form a more solid work culture, because it has been proven that collegial collective work is more effective and brings greater benefits, he added.

In addition to bringing in speakers from the internal realm, H. M. Adib Abdushomad, M.Ag., M.Ed., Ph.D. as the Head of the Sub-Division (Kasubdit) for the Academic Affairs of the Indonesian Ministry of Religion who spoke about Religious Moderation in the Indonesian context, the committee also presented seminar participants with an explanation of the I’tidāl concept from the University of Aden Yaman Lecturer, Dr. Labeb Najib Abdullah is known to have tahqiq several well-known contemporary fiqh books, including the book Futuh al Fattah Syarh Ihkam Ahkam al Nikah by Salim Muhammad Hibsyi.

The concept of religious moderation presented by the second speaker is addressed to religious authorization holders throughout the country, while quoting the words of Ibn Taimiyah which states that a person is categorized as a faqih or an expert in a scientific field if he can distinguish principles from matters of khilafiyah.

The international seminar ended with a photo session with the speakers and invited guests.