Congratulations to Lina Nur Anisa On a successful open defense! She has successfully defended her dissertation titled ” RELASI SUAMI ISTRI DI KELUARGA JAMAAH TABLIGH DESA TEMBORO KECAMATAN KARAS KABUPATEN MAGETAN (Tinjauan Fiqih Keluarga dan Perubahan Sosial).”
Congratulations to Lina Nur Anisa On a successful opened defense! She has successfully defended her dissertation titled ” RELASI SUAMI ISTRI DI KELUARGA JAMAAH TABLIGH DESA TEMBORO KECAMATAN KARAS KABUPATEN MAGETAN (Tinjauan Fiqih Keluarga dan Perubahan Sosial).” (04/07/2023)
Pascasarjana UINSA Surabaya, Building Character Qualities: for the Smart, Pious, and Honourable Nation