FDK UINSA Newsroom, (8/11/2023); The Islamic Community Development Study Program (PMI) of the Faculty of Da’wah and Communication (FDK) of Sunan Ampel State Islamic University (UINSA) in Surabaya, Indonesia, held a community service (PkM) activity in Tambakrejo Village, Waru District, Sidoarjo Regency, on the improvement of the technology of drying crackers. This PkM activity, which is based on the study program, received funding from the Directorate of Islamic Higher Education of the Directorate General of Islamic Education of the Ministry of Religion through the Litabdimas assistance.
The event, which was held at the RW Hall, was attended by Yusria Ningsih S.Ag, M.Kes, as the Head of the PMI Study Program (Kaprodi) of UINSA, Ahmad Khairul Hakim, S.Ag, M.Si, as the Head of the MD Study Program, Nihlatul Falasifah, M.T, as the head of the community service, as well as all cracker entrepreneurs in Tambakrejo Village, which is known as the cracker village.
Yusria Ningsih, S.Ag, M.Kes, mentioned that crackers are one of the favorite foods of Indonesians. Indonesians, wherever they are, always look for crackers as a complement to their meals.
“During the rainy season, this is one of the factors that make it difficult for cracker entrepreneurs to dry them. Therefore, cracker entrepreneurs should not only rely on the sun but also on technology. Hopefully, with the existence of this drying technology, it can help cracker entrepreneurs in Tambakrejo to continue to be productive in making crackers,” said Yusria Ningsih.
Nur Mahmudi, the head of Tambakrejo Village, warmly welcomes and expresses gratitude for the socialization conducted by the PMI UINSA program. “Thank you very much for the assistance provided. Hopefully, this assistance will continue to be beneficial to cracker entrepreneurs. It shouldn’t just be about providing aid, but also continuing with guidance on production methods, packaging, and marketing. Hopefully, this assistance proves beneficial, achieves everything, and is blessed by Allah,” expressed Nur Mahmudi.

During the event, cracker entrepreneurs were provided with information about halal certification by Ahmad Khairul Hakim. According to him, halal certification should be possessed by every entrepreneur in Indonesia, including Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs).
“Products entering and operating in Indonesia must be halal certified, and for Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs), it is free to obtain halal certification,” stated Khairul Hakim.
Nihlatul Falasifah explained the cracker drying technology that could facilitate cracker entrepreneurs during the rainy season.
“Cracker drying technology involves the use of technology to dry crackers. It’s a process where crackers with a certain level of moisture are eliminated using specialized devices designed to quickly and efficiently dry crackers,” explained Nihlatul during her socialization.
The majority of cracker entrepreneurs, who are mostly women, welcomed this socialization and hope that cracker drying technology can be a solution in the upcoming rainy season.
Journalist: Randi Abdel Azizi
Editor: Nur Romdlon MA
Photo: Randi Abdel Azizi
Translator : Fadya Majida Az-Zahra