FDK UINSA Newsroom (21/08/2023); Faculty of Da’wah and Communication proudly announces the SEA Colab Launching event. SEA Colab is a website that aims to connect lecturers and students with relevant educational institutions and sponsors across Southeast Asia. The launching event is scheduled to take place on August 24, 2023.
SEA Colab aims to create a forum for exchanging ideas that will encourage participation from funders, hosts, and collaborators. The platform is the realization of the YSEALI Regional Workshop on Innovating International Higher Education in Hanoi, Vietnam, whose prototype won and was funded by the US Embassy to realize the prototype. SEA Colab was formed by Dr. Fikry Zahria Emeraldien, S.I.Kom., M.A., a lecturer at the Faculty of Communication and Da’wah of UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya as an Indonesian delegate, who is the project manager of SEA Colab together with his team/colleagues in Southeast Asia.

“SEA Colab aims to continue to promote international collaboration and open up new opportunities in education, research, and community service” explained Dr. Fikry Zahria Emeraldien, S.I.Kom., M.A, Project Manager of SEA Colab.
In preparing for the launching event of the SEA Colab platform, the Dean of the Faculty of Da’wah and Communication, Dr. Moch. Choirul Arif, S.Ag., M.Fil.I, said, “We are proud and excited to launch SEA Colab. SEA Colab will be a place where brilliant ideas and collaborations are born as breakthroughs in the world of education.”
“We believe that SEA Colab will open the window of international collaboration, making a significant impact, not only for us as a faculty, but also for the wider community. We invite all who are interested to participate in this event, and we look forward to strong collaborations to create a brighter future,” he continued.

The launch event on August 24, 2023, will bring together a variety of academics, educational institutions, and companies committed to supporting higher education. The SEA Colab launch will be held virtually. Featuring the Cultural Affairs Assistant at the US Consulate General, the SEA Colab launch will be followed by a presentation from Dr. Truong Nam Thang, Director of the Center for Social Innovation and Entrepreneurship, National Economics University, Vietnam.
Translator : Frisca Septiana C