
Surabaya, September 18, 2024 – The Mathematics Education Department of UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya successfully held the 2024 Scientific Writing Workshop (KTI) in the Training Room I, UIN Sunan Ampel Library Building. This workshop aimed to develop students’ academic literacy skills and explore their creativity in scientific writing. The event, attended by students from the 2022, 2023, and 2024 cohorts, was conducted in an interactive and enthusiastic atmosphere, moderated by Vennia Abidatur R. and featuring Vicka Bella Fahira, S.M. as the speaker.

In the workshop, Vicka as speaker explained various scientific writing techniques, such as research structuring, title formulation, and methods for exploring research novelty. Participants were guided through practical strategies to help them become more focused in writing scientific papers.

Khabibatin Najwa, one of the participants, shared her experience after attending the workshop. “Menyenangkan karena menambah wawasan dan relasi baru,” Najwa stated. In addition to learning about scientific paper structuring and title formulation, she felt the workshop helped her overcome challenges in determining a research topic. Although group discussions posed challenges due to the different semesters of participants, she saw it as an opportunity to deepen her understanding of topic analysis.

Nira Aulia, another participant, felt the workshop provided many new tips that made the process of scientific writing more structured. “Banyak ilmu baru yang saya dapatkan, terutama soal mencari kebaruan (novelty) dalam penelitian. Kebaruan itu harus kita ciptakan, bukan dicari-cari,” she remarked.

Vennia, as the moderator, noted that participants showed great enthusiasm during the question-and-answer and discussion sessions. Participants were also given the opportunity to create a research plan and refine their research ideas. “Suasana interaktif membuat saya semakin bersemangat memandu jalannya acara,” she commented.

The event concluded with the distribution of certificates to participants and a group photo session. Through this workshop, the Mathematics Education Department of UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya continues to support students in developing their scientific writing skills. It is hoped that students will be better equipped to face the challenges of writing scientific papers with more confidence and direction.