
On October 3-4, 2024, students from the Mathematics Education Study Program at UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya, class of 2022, conducted a study visit to MAN 1 Jember. This activity was attended by several students with the aim of broadening their horizons, deepening their academic understanding, and building networks with other institutions.

The activity began on October 3, 2024, with the main agenda being a study visit to MAN 1 Jember. Students were warmly welcomed by the school’s administration, where they were introduced to various educational facilities, outstanding programs, and teaching approaches implemented at the school. During this activity, students had the opportunity to exchange ideas with teachers and students from MAN 1 Jember regarding learning methods and challenges in the education sector.

According to Choirotun Nisa, one of the class of 2022 students, this study visit provided significant benefits, especially academically and personally. “Studi banding ini memperluas wawasan kami tentang pendekatan pembelajaran yang interaktif dan berbasis teknologi. Di MAN 1 Jember, kami melihat penerapan media digital yang sangat baik dalam pembelajaran, serta metode kolaboratif yang bisa kami terapkan di masa depan,” said Nisa.

Marcella Ananda Putri, a student and alumni of MAN 1 Jember, felt proud to return to her alma mater. “Saya merasa senang dan bangga bisa kembali ke MAN 1 Jember sebagai mahasiswa. Banyak perubahan yang terjadi di sekolah ini, terutama pada fasilitas yang kini jauh lebih modern. Rasanya mengharukan ketika beberapa guru dan staf masih mengenali saya sebagai mantan siswa.”

On October 4, 2024, the students continued their activities with a recreational visit to Pantai Utama Raya. This visit aimed to provide relaxation time for participants after a packed academic schedule on the first day. In addition to enjoying the beach views, students also spent time engaging in various activities, such as playing by the beach and taking photos together.

According to Fauzan Putra Afandi, the visit to Pantai Utama Raya was very enjoyable. “Pantainya sangat indah, pemandangannya memukau, dan suasananya begitu tenang. Kami bisa menikmati momen-momen santai sambil merasakan angin pantai yang segar.”

Meanwhile, Marcella Ananda Putri, who last visited Pantai Utama Raya eight years ago, was very impressed with the changes that had occurred. “Dulu tempat ini hanya rest area dan SPBU, tapi sekarang sudah menjadi objek wisata yang indah dan populer. Meskipun cuaca cukup panas, kami sangat menikmati waktu berfoto bersama teman-teman,” she said.

This study visit provided significant benefits for participants, both academically and personally. Students gained new insights that can be applied to their future learning, as well as refreshing recreational experiences on the second day. It is hoped that activities like this will continue to be conducted to support the academic development and enrichment of students.