Members of Faculty of Islamic Studies of International Islamic University Indonesia (UIII) have come to visits to Pascasarjana UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya (22/02/2023) in search of mutual partnerships between the two institutions. This delegate consists of Dr. Yanwar Pribadi, Dr. Torkish Lubis, Muhammad Al-Marakeby, Ph.D, Zezen Zaenal Mutawin SJD, and still many others. Dr. Yanwar Pribadi, as the head of delegate, gives a great deal of information regarding the opportunities offered by the Faculty of Islamic Studies such as fellowship for lecturers as well as for students. On the other side, the Director of Pascasarjana Prof. Masdar Hilmy, Ph.D hopes that this visit can generate joint activities in the area of reserch, publication, and conferences in the future.