Thursday, 21 April 2022

The English Department UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya held Studium Generale “Entrepreneurship and Innovation: Spirit in the New Normal Era” via Zoom on 20 April 2022. As many as 333 participants joined the event opened by the Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Humanities, Dr. H. Agus Aditoni, M.Ag.
Dr. Wahju Kusumajanti, M.Hum. the Head of the English Department UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya said that this event was held as a medium for exposing knowledge about entrepreneurship that can be used to support one of the graduate’s profiles as edupreneur. By participating in this event, it is hoped that the participants have the spirit, motivation, and soft skills to be entrepreneurs. In detail, the material for this event includes how to start a business, an entrepreneur mindset, and motivation.
Radityo Surya Hartanto, S.T. as the speaker made an informative and inspiring presentation that most of the participants wanted to have follow-up activities in the form of more technical ways of how to be a good entrepreneur.