ICOSHPRO. The 2nd International Conference on Sustainable Health Promotion Post-Pandemic Health Promotion: A Multidisciplinary Approach.

Hello!!! 🤩🙌🏻
Here we present to you…
✨”The 2nd International Conference on Sustainable Health Promotion Post-Pandemic Health Promotion: A Multidisciplinary Approach”✨
This is the biggest International Conference by Faculty of Psychology and Health State Islamic University of Sunan Ampel Surabaya.
The conference will be given directly by great experts in their fields.
All participants will get E-CERTIFICATION.
We proud to present our speakers!
1. Prof. Dr. Fendi Suhariadi – Universitas Airlangga
2. Prof. Dr. Melati Binti Sumari – Universitas Malaya
3. Dr. Yudied Agung Mirasa, S.KM, M.Kes – BBTKLPP Surabaya
4. Joko Susilo,SKM, M. Kes** – Direktur Poltekkes Yogyakarta
Save the date for Conference’s :
Wednesday-Thursday, 6-7 October WIB
At Amphitheater Twin Tower UINSA & GreenSa Inn
Registration Fee:
Participant : IDR 200.000
Participant + SKP Point: IDR 300.000
Presenter Call for paper : IDR 750.000
Presenter (Student) : IDR 500.000
You’ll get:
E-certificate (SKP Point Persakmi, IAKMI*, PPNI, IBI*, HIMPSI
Conference kit
Coffebreaks and Lunch
Do you want interesting knowledge and experience?😱⚡
Go register yourself! LIMITED SEATS!😢🔥
note : ** (under confirmation)
Registration form:
Bank Transfer: BCA 4650663701 (ESTI TYASTIRIN)
If you have something to ask, please contact us
📲081331401829 (Moch Irfan Hadi)
📲082226010045 (Mei Lina Fitri)