The 2nd Sunan Ampel International Conference of Political and Social Sciences

The Faculty of Social and Political Sciences (FISIP), UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya has organized  the 1st Sunan Ampel International Conference of Social and Political Sciences 2021 with the main theme “Post Pandemic Recovery: Embracing Social and Political Changes, Reviving Religious Activities” on 12-13 April 2022.

The conference highlighted the transformation of social, politics, and religious recovery activities after the pandemic era that related with social and politics. The conference delved into the complexity of social and political phenomenon such as problem of religiosity, social activities, and political strategies within the topics of post pandemic recovery.

The conference explored and developed the main theme and welcomed papers from a range of perspectives, backgrounds, and interdisciplinary fields of intellectual discourses from various geographical coverage. It was held with a passion for the development of multidisciplinary and inclusive science. It was not only for academics to review political and social phenomenon, inquiries, and issues, but also to seize broad opportunities for every stakeholder in the academic and practical field. 


Prof. Ian Wilson

Murdoch University

Dr. Zainal Abidin Bagir

Universitas Gadjah Mada

Dr. Beben Benyamin

University of South Australia

Dr. Ummu Atiyah

Universiti Utara Malaysia
