Information System

Faculty Science and Technology

UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya

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Vision, Mission, and Goals


To be an excellent Information Systems study program in digital transformation for a sustainable city and community empowerment



Organizing an excellent information systems study program in education, research, and community service.


Implementing the Information Systems program with national quality standards in governance and knowledge


Conducting the Information Systems program based on Islamic values and aligned with local culture and wisdom.



Producing excellent graduates in the field of Information Systems who are able to contribute to society.


Producing graduates who are professional in the field of information systems and have competitiveness at the national, regional and international levels.


Producing information systems graduates who have morals (akhlakul karimah), analytical acumen, leadership spirit, technopreneur spirit, creative and communicative and contribute to the utilization of information systems for community empowerment according to local wisdom.