Jl. Dr. Ir. Soekarno No. 682 Gunung Anyar, Surabaya 60294

Arabic Language and Literature Program


Become a center for Arabic language and literature studies and research that is superior and competitive, with international standards.


1. Implement innovative, creative, and progressive education and learning programs in the field of Arabic language and literature.
2. Carry out and improve research in Arabic language and literature that can be published.
3. Establishing cooperation with various parties (stakeholders) to build a society that loves Arabic language and literature.
4. Producing graduates who have good personality and moral integrity, managerial skills, intellectual skills, theoretical understanding and intellectual reasoning, theoretical understanding and intellectual reasoning in the field of Arabic language and literature.

About Arabic Language and Literature Study Program

Become a center for Arabic language and literature studies and research that is superior and competitive, with international standards.

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