Laboratory of Integrative Political and Social Studies Research
LIPSSearch as a mean of supporting the Faculty in the education process and the research development of the study of political and social sciences, while giving special attention in the study of integration between contemporary political and social sciences with Islamic scientific traditions.
- To facilitate student in conducting effective learning activities with special tools and environment that are not possible to be presented in the classroom.
- To conduct research and development of political and social sciences with Islamic perspectives integrativelly.
Tentang LIPSSearch
Laboratory of Integrative Political and Social Studies Research, known as LIPSSearch, located at Gunung Anyar Campus and managed under Faculty of Political and Social Science. LIPSSearch serves students and academic staffs in conducting academic research as well as education activities, especially related to the integration of contemporary political and social knowledges with Islamic perspectives.
Berita & Pengumuman
CIIS Lab provides practical activities for students from International Relations department. Students may conduct research in the field of International Relations supervised by the Lecturers and Lab assistants. CIIS Lab is designed also for practical courses contending practical skill that the students should master during their learning process, such as diplomacy, negotiation, lobbying, and international communication. The lecturers from International Relations department may take benefit from CIIS Lab to held lecture exercising Model of United Nations (MUN) style.
MPP Lab services space for the students of Political Sciences department to conduct research and practical courses with supervisor from Political Sciences department lecturers, Lab researcher fellows, and Lab assistants. Students may conduct Parliament moot court and practicing their political skills such as lobbying, negotiating, debating, and public speaking.
Sosrec Lab is designed especially for students from Sociology department. It is equipped with compatible softwares and hardwares to conduct social research. As designed to serve student needs in conducting social research, Sosrec Lab invites any course from Sociology department on the topic of social research to do research activities, lecture sessions, and software training (quantitative, qualitative, and big data analysis). Sosrec Lab also provides Podcast studio as a mean to reach out public and global audience in desiminating social knowledges with Islamic perspectives.
Kolaborasi LIPSSearch
LIPSSearch telah menjalin kerjasama dengan berbagai institusi dan universitas, baik di dalam maupun di luar negeri. Berikut beberapa daftar institusi dan universitas yang telah bekerjasama