Jalan Ahmad Yani No. 117 602111 Surabaya, Jawa Timur | Indonesia
Faculty of Da'wa and Communication
To Become a Leading Center for Transformative Dawah at The International Level Based on Research and Information Technology
- Conducting education and teaching in th field of da’wa and communication based on research and information technology
- Developing international scale da’wa and communication research
- Developing community service pattterns based on science, research, spitituality and local wisdom
About Faculty of Da'wa and Communication
Establish as the “Faculty of Da’wa and Communication”, The faculty has 5 study programs, including communication Communication and Islamic Broadcasting, Communication Science, Islamic Guidance and Counseling, Islamic Community Development, and Da’wah Management. On Saturday, 22 Muharram 1391 H/March 20, 1971 AD, the Minister of Religious Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia officially received the handover of the work results of the IAIN Sunan Ampel Da’wah Faculty Opening Committee.
Program Studi
Islamic guidance and counseling provides a framework for individuals to address their personal, social, and spiritual challenges in a way that is consistent with islamic values and principles
Da’wa management study is a field of studies that focuses on the planning, implementation, and evaluation of da’wa activities
Islamic Community Development is a field of study that focuses on the appliation of islamic principles to address the social, economic and cultural challenges faced by Muslim communities
The field of Communication and Islamic Broadcasting combines the study of communication theories and practices with islamic studies
Communication Science is the field of study that investigates how human and other communicative agents create, process, and share information
Organizational Structure
Selayang Pandang
Dean of the Faculty of Da’wa and Communication | Dr. Moch. Choirul Arif, S.Ag., M.Fil.I |
Vice Dean for Academic and Institutional Affair | Dr. Moh. Ansori, S.Ag., M.Fil.I |
Vice Dean of Administration, Planning, and Finance | Dr. Ries Dyah Fitriyah, M.Si |
Vice Dean for Student Affair and Cooperation | Dr. H. Abdullah Sattar, S.Ag., M.Fil.I |
Head of the Administrative Departement | Hasymiyatul Mukriyati, S.Ag., MM |
Head of the General Administration and Human Resources | |
Head of the Planning, Accounting, and Finance Subdivision | Da’watul Khoiriyah, S.Ag |
Head of the Academic, Student Affairs, and Alumni Section | Muhmmad Nasir, S.H.I., M.E. |
Head of the Communication Departement | Advan Navis Zubaidi, S.ST., M.Si. |
Secretary of the Communication Departement | Ariza Qurrata A’yun, S.Ikom., M.Med.Kom. |
Head of the Communication and Islamic Broadcasting | Dr. Sokhi Huda, M.Ag. |
Secretary of the Communication and Islamic Broadcasting | Rozaqul Arif, M.Sos.I. |
Head of the Communication Science Program | Muchlis, S.Sos.I., M.Si. |
Secretary of the Communication Science Program | Dr. Fikry Zahria Emmeraldien, S.I.kom.,MA. |
Head of Da’wah Departement | Dr. Lukman Fahmi, S.Ag., M.Pd. |
Secretary of Da’wah Departement | Dr. Psi. Hj. Mierrina, M.Si. |
Head of the Islamic Community and Development Program | Yusria Ningsih, S.Ag., M.Kes. |
Secretary of the Islamic Community and Development Program | Nihlatul Falasifah, MT. |
Head of the Da’wa Management Program | Ahmad Khairul Hakim, S.Ag., M.Si. |
Secretary of the Da’wa Management Program | Yunita Ardilla, S.Kom., M.M.T. |
Head of the Islamic Guidance and Counseling Program | Dr. Muhammad Thohir, S.Pd.I., M.Pd.I. |
Secretary of the Islamic Guidance and Counseling Program | Amriana, S.Sos.I, M.Pd. |
Head of the Laboratory of the Faculty of Da’wa and Communication | Abu Amar Bustomi, M.Si. |
Program Accreditation
Name of the Study Program | Level | No. SK | Rank | Expirate Date |
Islamic Guidance and Counseling | S1 | A | 2027-08-16 | |
Da’wa Management | S1 | Unggul | 2028-06-13 | |
Islamic Community and Development | S1 | B | 2028-02-07 | |
Islamic Communication and Broadcasting | S1 | Unggul | 2028-06-27 | |
Communication Science | S1 | B | 2028-06-27 |
Kolaborasi Fakultas Dakwah dan Komunikasi
Fakultas Dakwah dan Komunikasi UINSA telah menjalin kerjasama dengan berbagai institusi dan universitas, baik di dalam maupun di luar negeri. Berikut beberapa daftar institusi dan universitas yang telah bekerjasama