Sharia Economics Study Program Academic
The study program team holds regular programs to support the development of the Sharia Economics study program such as:
Thesis and paper writing workshop
This program aims to help and facilitate final year students in facing and writing a good and correct thesis so that it can be completed according to the specified time and even faster. In addition, students can be productive in writing critically through scientific papers
Workshop on research methods
This program aims to improve the quality as well as equalize the perception of student research eligibility standards. In addition, students are able to understand qualitative and quantitative research methods as scientific procedures in research based on certain paradigms (philosophy of science). Students are also expected to be able to recognize current research issues and formulate contemporary qualitative and quantitative research designs.
Regular discussion (monthly)
This program aims to build a critical academic climate with current conditions both regionally, nationally, and internationally. This monthly discussion is guided by internal and external speakers alternately by involving students simultaneously.
Research assistance for students
Research assistance for students is carried out to support constructive and selling research ideas and be able to make a significant contribution to the economic benefit of the people. Research assistance is not only in the form of financial assistance, but also in the form of assistance and sifting of materials and publications.
Publishing journals and books
The publication of journals and books is intended to inscribe the thoughts and works of lecturers and students so that they can be read, studied and utilized by the public in order to build a just, prosperous and prosperous society.
Public Lectures
Public lectures are held by inviting regional, national and or international speakers to provide insight for the academic community in the Sharia Economics Study Program at UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya. This program aims to help and facilitate final year students in facing and writing a good and correct thesis so that it can be completed according to the specified time and even faster. In addition, students can be productive in writing critically through scientific papers. Workshop on research methods. This program aims to improve the quality as well as equalize the perception of student research eligibility standards. In addition, students are able to understand qualitative and quantitative research methods as scientific procedures in research based on certain paradigms (philosophy of science). Students are also expected to be able to recognize current research issues and formulate contemporary qualitative and quantitative research designs. This program aims to build a critical academic climate with current conditions both regionally, nationally, and internationally. This monthly discussion is guided by internal and external speakers alternately by involving students simultaneously. Research assistance for studentsPublishing journals and book.
Courses in the Sharia Economics Study Program are divided into 4 groups of courses, namely:
General Basic Course (MKDU)
Is a compulsory course set by the University consisting of 8 courses with a total of 12 credits.
Main Compulsory Courses of the Study Program
Is a course that must be taken by all students of the Sharia Economics Study Program, consisting of 28 courses with a total of 108 credits.
Mandatory Concentration Courses
Is a course that must be taken in accordance with the choice of concentration chosen by the student. Mandatory concentration courses are provided in semester 6 and are given MBKM program options, consisting of 4 courses with a total of 20 credits.
Concentration Elective Courses
It is an elective course that can be taken by students in accordance with the chosen concentration. Concentration elective courses must be taken at least 4 courses with a total of 16 credits. Courses in the Sharia Economics Study Program are divided into 4 groups of courses, namelyIs a course that must be taken by all students of the Sharia Economics Study Program, consisting of 28 courses with a total of 108 credits.
The distribution of Sharia Economics Study Program courses for each semester is as follows:
No. | Code | 1st Semester | SKS |
1 | UIN121104 | Introducing to Islamic Studies | 3 |
2 | ESY121101 | English for Economics | 2 |
3 | ESY121102 | Arabic for Economics | 2 |
4 | ESY121103 | History of Islamic Economic Thought | 2 |
5 | FEB121101 | Introducing to Accounting | 3 |
6 | UIN121102 | Pancasila | 2 |
7 | ESY121104 | Introducing to Economics | 3 |
8 | ESY121105 | Mathematics for Economics | 3 |
TOTAL SKS | 20 |
No. | Code | 2nd Semester | SKS |
1 | ESY121106 | Islamic Microeconomi | 3 |
2 | ESY121107 | Islamic Makroeconomics | 3 |
3 | ESY121108 | Islamic Accounting | 3 |
4 | UIN121106 | Quranic Studies | 3 |
5 | ESY121109 | Islamic Banking and Indonesiaan Economy | 3 |
6 | UIN121103 | Civics | 2 |
7 | UIN121101 | Indonesiaan Language | 3 |
TOTAL SKS | 20 |
No. | Code | 3rd Semester | SKS |
1 | ESY121110 | Computer Application | 3 |
2 | ESY121111 | Statistics | 3 |
3 | ESY121112 | Accounting Information System | 3 |
4 | UIN121105 | Hadith Studies | 3 |
5 | ESY121113 | Islamic Bank and Financial Instituition | 3 |
6 | ESY121114 | Introduction to Business | 3 |
7 | ESY121115 | Comperative Economic Systems | 3 |
8 | ESY121116 | Monetary Economics | 3 |
TOTAL SKS | 24 |
No. | Code | 4th Semester | SKS |
1 | ESY121117 | Economics Reseacrh Methodology | 3 |
2 | ESY121118 | Legal Aspects in Business | 3 |
3 | ESY121119 | Econometrics | 3 |
4 | FEB121102 | Entrenepreneurship and Halal Industry | 3 |
5 | ESY121120 | Usul Al-Iqtisad (Islamic Legal Theories of Economics) | 3 |
6 | ESY121121 | Islamic Economic Systems | 3 |
7 | ESY121122 | Islamic Financial Institution Management | 3 |
8 | ESY121123 | Islamic Development Economics | 3 |
TOTAL SKS | 24 |
No. | Code | 5th Semester | SKS |
1 | ESY121124 | Contemporary Islamic Jurisprudence (Compulsory) | 3 |
2 | ESY121125 | Islamic Capital Market (Compulsory) | 3 |
3 | ESY121126 | International Islamic Economics and Finance (Compulsory) | 2 |
4 | ESY121211 | Islamic Portofolio Analysis (Elective) | 4 |
5 | ESY121212 | Financial Institution Audit Sytem (Elective) | 4 |
6 | ESY121213 | Islamics Financial Product Development (Elective) | 4 |
7 | ESY121214 | Financial Project Simulation (Elective) | 4 |
8 | ESY121221 | Ekonomi Kreatif dan Inovasi | 4 |
9 | ESY121222 | Digital Economy (Elective) | 4 |
10 | ESY121223 | Islamic Philanthropy and Social Entrepreneurship (Elective) | 4 |
11 | ESY121224 | Entrepreneurship Project Simulation (Elective) | 4 |
12 | ESY121231 | Budgeting System Development (Elective) | 4 |
13 | ESY121232 | Political Economics and Development (Elective) | 4 |
14 | ESY121233 | Taxes and Zakah in Government Systems (Elective) | 4 |
15 | ESY121234 | Policy Project Simulation (Elective) | 4 |
TOTAL SKS | 56 |
No. | Code | 6th Semester (Compulsory or Elective) | SKS |
1 | ESY121215 | Islamic Financial Institution RiskManagement (Elective) | 5 |
2 | ESY121216 | Credit Analysis of Islamic Financial Institution (Elective) | 5 |
3 | ESY121217 | Accounting for Islamic Bank (Elective) | 5 |
4 | ESY121218 | Financial Report Analysis of Islamic Financial Institution (Elective) | 5 |
5 | ESY121225 | Islamic Marketing Management (Elective) | 5 |
6 | ESY121226 | Islamic Bussiness Operations Management (Elective) | 5 |
7 | ESY121227 | Islamic Finance Management (Elective) | 5 |
8 | ESY121228 | Business Feasibility Study (Elective) | 5 |
9 | ESY121237 | Islamic Monetary Economic (Elective) | 5 |
10 | ESY121238 | Development Project Evaluation (Elective) | 5 |
11 | ESY121235 | Public Policy Analysis | 5 |
12 | ESY121236 | Public Economics | 5 |
TOTAL SKS | 60 |
No. | Code | 7th Semester | SKS |
1 | UIN121107 | Community Development Program | 4 |
2 | UIN121108 | Academic Publication | 4 |
No. | Code | 8th Semester | SKS |
1 | UIN121107 | Undergraduate Thesis | 4 |
A creative thesis is a student’s work intended as a substitute that has the same value and weight as thesis research. A Creative Thesis is the result of a comprehensive learning process and application of various sciences including attitudes, knowledge and skills as a problem solving process through systematic project design or creation.
Creative theses can be in the form of business start-ups, community economic empowerment, community social empowerment, published/verified which are carried out by students themselves by involving FEBI UINSA lecturers as supervisors or as mentors in the creative thesis.