Certificate Retrieval Procedure


Postgraduate Graduate Students at UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya

  1. Master’s Program (S2) students have a minimum of Sinta 4 Nationally published journals;

There will be journal verification; if the student is declared to have passed the verification, they will be notified that their journal has passed.

  1. Students Complete Tracer Study;
  1. Students bring library exemption letters that have been printed out;
  • Postgraduate Library;
  • UINSA Central Library;
  1. If the retrieveal of ceriticate is represented, then:
  • Fulfill all the requirements above;
  • Bring a stamped power of attorney;
  • Bring photocopies of IDs of both parties;
  1. Students bring the Journal Approval Letter, which has been signed by the Head of Study Program and the Deputy Director.
  2. The way to manage Frree Library pass from Postgraduate is as follows:
  • Obtaining a Loan Free Letter from the UINSA Library, the procedure can be seen here.
  • Collect theses and dissertations (the theses and dissertations are bound without watermarks);
  • Send complete thesis and dissertation files in the form of Word and PDF via the link.
  1. The Form for Checking Certificate Retrieval by Study Program can be downloaded here.


HAKI Link: https://bit.ly/hakipascasarjana2023