JOIES (Journal of Islamic Education Studies)
JOIES (Journal of Islamic Education Studies) is a high-quality open access peer-reviewed research journal that is published by Islamic Education of Doctorate Program, Postgraduate State Islamic University Sunan Ampel Surabaya Journal of Islamic Education Studies published biannually. Journal of Islamic Education Studies provides a platform for researchers, academicians, professionals, practitioners, and students to impart and share knowledge in the form of high-quality empirical and theoretical research papers, case studies, literature reviews, and book reviews. Journal of Islamic Education Studies welcomes and acknowledges high-quality theoretical and empirical original research papers, case studies, review papers, literature reviews, book reviews, conceptual framework, analytical and simulation models, technical notes from researchers, academicians, professionals, practitioners, and students from all over the world. JOIES (Journal of Islamic Education Studies) is published every June and December annually, The journal focuses its scope on the issues of Islamic education. JOIES published by Islamic Education of Doctorate Program, Postgraduate State Islamic University Sunan Ampel Surabaya. ISSN (Print): 2540-8070; No. SK: 0005.25408070/JI.3.1/SK.ISSN/2016.09 - September 09, 2016 (start edition Vol. 1, No. 2, July - December 2016) ISSN (Online): 2541-173X; No. SK: 0005.2541173X/JI.3.1/SK.ISSN/2016 (October 10, 2016)

Journal of Islamic Education Studies
The journal issues academic manuscripts on Islamic Education Teaching and Islamic Education Studies in either Indonesian or international contexts with multidisciplinary perspective: particularly within scholarly tradition of classical Islam, Educational Studies, and other social sciences. The manuscripts are published in English with abstract in both Bahasa Indonesia and in English.