Program Studi Sistem Informasi

Fakultas Sains dan Teknologi

UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya

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Capaian Pembelajaran

Capaian Pembelajaran

Gambaran umum capaian pembelajaran (learning outcome) jenjang Sarjana Prodi Sistem Informasi UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya adalah sebagai berikut :



Deskripsi Capaian Pembelajaran


Graduates are able to demonstrate law-abiding, disciplined, ethical, inclusive, and religious attitudes according to Islamic values and Indonesian local wisdom.


Graduates are able to demonstrate professional responsibility towards their work of expertise.

General Skills


Deskripsi Capaian Pembelajaran


Graduates are able to define accurate decisions based on data analysis for problem solving in the IS/IT areas.


Graduates are able to perform collaborative team work through effective communication and interpersonal skills in the IS/IT areas.



Deskripsi Capaian Pembelajaran


Graduates are able to explain System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) concepts according to the requirements of the organization or community.


Graduates are able to explain Data Lifecycle Management concepts according to the requirements of the organization or community.


Graduates are able to explain IT Governance and Management in accordance with procedures, controls, and safety standards.

Specific Skills


KodeDeskripsi Capaian Pembelajaran
D.1Graduates are able to analyze requirements, design business process model, define the technical solutions, manage and integrate systems according to the requirements of the organization or community.
D.2Graduates are able to analyze and solve computational problems according to the requirements of the organization or community, based on computation theory and information systems discipline.
D.3Graduates are able to implement secure, effective and efficient IT governance and management for organization sustainability.